Rules of the Barn
- All horses entering our property are required to have a negative Coggins and proof of current vaccinations. Out of state or country horses require a current certificate of health. A copy of documentation must be filed before unloading your horse.
- All equestrians working with horses on our property are required to sign a release form - parents do so for children under 18 years of age.
- Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- No smoking in or near any buildings or animals.
- Directions must be followed at all times.
- We reserve the right to ask anyone to leave without notice should their behavior be contrary to our guidelines and instructions. No refunds will be given.
Proper attire for people working with horses
- ASTM/SEI Certified Horseback Riding Helmets are required for everyone riding on our property and for children under 18 years of age working with a horse on the ground or riding. Adults 18 and over are strongly encouraged to use a helmet while performing ground work. Click here to read about how to properly fit a riding helmet.
- Equestrian boots only (boots designed specifically for horse-related activities). Click here to learn more about different equestrian boots (English Tall Boots, Western Boots, Paddock Boots, and Muck Boots).
- Riding boots are required for all riding and in-hand activities
- Muck boots are only acceptable for cleaning not working with horses
- Sneakers are okay for ground work (never for riding) but are not preferred - boots are always the best choice
- No sandals, open-toed shoes, no flip-flops
- Long pants that fit only (jeans or riding breeches), no shorts, no yoga pants, no capris
- Shirts and other tops that fit, no loose fitting clothing
- No baggy clothing
- No danging jewelry
Any topics, teachings, services, or recommendations are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, ailment, injury, or the like. Anyone suffering from, or having a pet suffering from any issue should consult with a physician, veterinarian, naturopath, herbalist, or other health care professional. Any services here are offered are not a replacement for a veterinarian or other medical care. Please always seek medical attention or veterinary attention whenever deemed necessary and appropriate.